Happy New Year
Green politics
As a corporate socially responsible company we are dedicated to protecting environmental in all aspects of our business – from using eclusively renewable electical energy to development of eneregy efficient products.
What is new at Oprema Micro Matic
Sajam "BRAU Beviale 2024"
About us - Oprema Micro Matic d.o.o.
We are the producer of catering equipment, primarily units for cooling and dispensing beer, units for cooling and dispensing juices, wine, soda-water, milk and nitro cold brew coffee. Our professional cooling devices for non-alcoholic beverages, beer, wine and water are characterised by high performance features, high quality and top design. The remarkable choice of cooling devices, in terms of their capacity, is suitable for smaller local restaurants, bars, but also for larger consumer places such as sports halls, stadiums etc. The most significant part of the production range, with over 75% of the total volume, is taken up by beer cooling and dispensing devices.